
Finely ground Ayurvedic herbs and exotic sandalwood powder are mixed with precious Ayurvedic oils and gently massaged into the skin. This results in the stimulation of the energy flow in the body, the detoxification and nourishment of body tissues, the activation of the skin’s natural metabolism and also the improvement of lymph flow. The Udvartana massage cleanses and refines the skin structure and gives the skin a soft, silky texture and a lustrous glow.

Recommended for: kapha dosha types, people carrying excess weight, people suffering from cellulite, people who experience excess inactivity, obesity, cellulite, imparting mobility to joints and strengthening the muscles.
Benefits: improved condition and tone of skin, weight reduction, reduction of cellulite, improved digestion, awakens untapped energy reserves, alleviates inactivity and sluggishness.
Time:   1 hour Approximate cost in USD
Price:   1500B for 1
1300B each for 3
1100B each for 5
  900B each for 7